The Benefits of a Commercial Security System

It is a good business decision to invest in a security system for many reasons, and at Venture Alarms – we wanted to share those reasons with you.

Whether you run a small family business or have a growing company, any industry type or size can benefit by adding security measures to your office space …and here’s why.

Protection Against Losses

Perhaps your company is a retail space where the general public is coming and going on a daily basis, or perhaps you run a company in an office setting; protecting your place of business against losses will help you keep more revenue that is clearly intended for the company.

Even if security measures are utilized as a deterrent, security systems such as surveillance cameras and security alarms will help you quickly find the perpetrator or respond to a pressing concern.

Instilling Employee Trust

There is little else worse than suspecting one or more of your employees of theft or vandalism. So by utilizing a commercial security system, you will be able to make it known to your employees that precautions have been taken, and mutual trust and respect can be created as part of your business model from the onset.

Deterring Thieves or Opportunists

Again, general pubic and employees alike can have the urge or inclination to shoplift or take what isn’t theirs, so by having a visible security system professionally set up within your Lower Mainland business, you can and will deter would-be thieves from taking advantage of an unmonitored store or office.

Authorized Access Only

The perks of a keycard-type security system includes the fact that only select employees have access to opening and/or closing your business. Not only that, but you have the ability to find out the time of each coming and going employee as you see fit. This adds to accountability and responsibility without having to micro-manage or second-guess any of your staff.

At Venture Alarms, we provide commercial alarms and security camera services for the Langley, Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge and Abbotsford areas of the Lower Mainland, including…

  • Security panels
  • Keypad arm/disarm with personalized codes
  • Motion detectors
  • Alarm monitoring
  • Environmental detectors
  • Decals, Yard Signs, Insurance Certificates

So give us a call at 778-574-2486 to discuss how our Commercial Alarms services can benefit your business in Langley, Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge and Abbotsford!